Ahh, Nasty drawings. So far all the ones I've drawn have just been doodles, but who knows! Maybe one day I'll do an actual Nasty pic! So anyways, here's some Nasty Art. WARNING: Some of these pics are very, VERY perverted, to say the least, lol. But hey, you know what we say around here: the Nastier, the better!!
C'mon, Muscles!! -- I drew this during a boring-ass seminar class. Dunno why, just felt like degrading Shorty's manhood a little, lol. He can't get Trunks' sword up, hehehe. o_O Which I guess would be good for homophobes.
Trunks Has Gone Insane -- I have no memory of when this pic was drawn. For all I know my hands did it all by themselves when I was unconscious. All I do remember is thinking that it kinda sucked. Oh well, here at the Big Nasty site art doesn't have to be good!
Wild Saturday Night -- Drew this here in my Earth science class during a film about volcanoes. Why? Because Monica had scooted her desk right next to mine and was cheering me on with endless Big Nasty comments, lmao, THAT'S why!
Getting Intimate -- I remember that I drew this during science, but I don't remember what was actually going on in class, lol. Maybe we were watching another film. But the scenario was the same, Monica spouting Big Nasty jokes as I drew. Lmfao, Earth science was great.
Look, it's Beowulf! -- Hey, Trunks fit the description of Beowulf, so that's who I drew for that assignment! I no longer have this pic btw, as Monica promptly stole it once Mr. J handed it back.
Want to donate some Nasty art? E-mail me your Nasty drawings and I'll post it and credit it to you!