Ahh, the photodocumentary of Trunks and Big Nasty. Here in the Nasty Gallery (actually I prolly could've called this the Nasty Photo Album, huh?) you can see how Trunks and Big Nasty spend their time, whether it's on the job, in the heat of battle, or just a lazy Sunday afternoon. For your convenience (and my sanity) the pics have been divided into four catagories:
Action Shots are pictures of Trunks and Big Nasty on the job. Every day at the ball crack of dawn they get up and fight bad guys! That or just fool around. Something like that.
Cut-Off Shots are the pictures that Big Nasty is technically in, but either is cut out of the shot or hidden behind something (or someONE *cough*Trunks*cough*).
Handle Shots are the pictures in which just Big Nasty's hilt is visible. Sometimes you can see his tip, too! (... o_o What?)
Idle Shots are pictures of Trunks and Big Nasty doing a lot of nothing. Very boring. But also very funny. Hehehe.
The first time we see Big Nasty in action!
This actually is seconds before Big Nasty actually breaks. o.O
Nasty animation!! Whoo!!
This shot cameoing the back of 18's head.
Technically Big Nasty's not even in this pic, but it counts.
Trunks decides to give his Nasty a break for a while.
Here we see Trunks and Big Nasty blowing Freeza. ...To bits, I mean.
And it also makes Julienne fries.
''I'll show YOU whose Nasty is bigger!!''
Here we see Trunks' sword getting fingered. o.O
Sorry guys, but neither the sword or the finger are away right now.
Someone must've challenged his manhood.
Trunks and Big Nasty defend their territory.
It cuts like a hot Nasty through butter, two things Trunks is experienced with. o.O
Big Nasty looks a lot smaller than usual here.
Another shot Big Nasty's not technically in. I need a faster camera.
''Stop following me around and give me some privacy!!''
Trunks and Big Nasty springing into action!!
I believe Trunks is fighting off the Fashion Police here. *shakes head*
As you can see, Trunks and Big Nasty bonded when they were young.
Trunks whipping out his Nasty. o.O
How in the world does that sword fit in that little sheath??
Trunks and Big Nasty from the cover of the first Gracias.
King Cold tries to ''cut in'' on the Nasty action! Hahahaha... Okay, bad word play.
Goku seems a little TOO good at fingering that sword...
What IS it with this pose?!
More practice whipping his Big Nasty around.
Is it bad that Goku's dreaming about Trunks and Big Nasty?
Partners in Crime: Trunks and Big Nasty
Trunks!! You're not supposed to run with pointy objects!!
For some reason this animated pic will only run twice.
Same thing as before except from a doujinshi, which actually looks better.
''Does my Big Nasty make you randy? Does it?''
He's obsessed with holding his sword there!
Here we see Trunks thrusting his Nasty. o.O
Alright, now we can have Big Nasty shish-ka-bobs!
Uh oh, someone must've challenged the size of his Nasty again.
''I know I said to blow me, but this is too literal!''
''Hey, that cloud looks like a little bunny...''
Trunks attempts to play Cat's Cradle with Big Nasty.
''My Nasty is pretty Big, huh?''
Here we see Trunks waiting for a high five. o.O
Actually this is just Goku on Halloween.
Aww, Trunks is modest! Either that or secretly wearing a bra. o.O
I think Big Nasty's trying to knight him.
''I don't think I put on any underwear this morning...''
Trunks just hates sharing the spotlight.
Trunks must be having a bad hair day.
Aww, someone must've complimented his Nasty!!
''Prepare for some DOOM!!!''
I'm just waiting for him to light up a cigarette, lol.
This is one of my favorite pics of Trunks, hehe.
When in doubt, go super saiyan.
Trunks and Big Nasty slip into the backseat to make out.
Always remember to buckle your Nasty belt!
Here we see Big Nasty sliding into a deep, dark hole. o.O What?
Big Nasty making Trunks do all the work, hehe.
I guess back then he was called Little Nasty
The lighting in this pic sucks.
Here we see Trunks grabbing his Big Nasty by the handle. ...I mean...
And Trunks continues to handle his Big Nasty...
Honestly, Trunks, there's a time and place for this.
Dammit Trunks!!
Stop handling your sword in public!!
You know every time you do that God kills a kitten.
You're gonna go blind if you don't stop that!!
Now he's doing it just to spite me.
Trunks is a bad, bad boy.
That is definately Vegeta's son.
''Sorry, I don't do autogr-- NO, NEITHER DOES BIG NASTY!!!''
Another one of my favorite pics of Trunks.
Trunks!! How dare you check out another sword in Big Nasty's presence!!
Maybe Trunks needs a heavier jacket
Aww, he actually posed for a nice picture!
*sings* ''I am getting so hot, I wanna take my clothes off...''
''C'mon you guys!! Orgy at Capsule Corp!!'' ...Hehe okay that one was bad...
I think he's getting tired of all the attention, hehe.
''I don't think we're in Japan anymore, Big Nasty...''
''Pull my finger!''
''Meri!! Put your clothes back on!!''
''...I don't want to know what I just stepped in.''
Trunks and Big Nasty getting blown again. o.O
All those handle pics and now he's shy about talking about sex.
Trunks could kill someone with that chin in this pic.
Trunks and Big Nasty contemplating the meaning of cheese.
''Crap, how long has my fly been open??''
''Yeah right, that Nasty wouldn't stand a chance against mine.''
Well, no one can accuse this sword of being camera shy.
Maybe it's just me, but Trunks' Nasty seems a little thin... o.O
This pic is everywhere, but no one knows where it came from!
Look out, Trunks is gonna blow!! .....ER....
Trunks and Big Nasty make money on the side doing deliveries.
They actually have nothing better to do than sit around on a rock all day.
Trunks and Big Nasty spending some quality time together.
This was the pic that started it all. ''I dub thee... Big Nasty!!''
Trunks intends to fight this battle with only his armpit.
Man, Big Nasty loves that camera.
Welcome Home, My Boy 5. Lotsa Nasty action in there (along with 2 Trunkses).
''My boxers are really riding up my ass...''
Geez, possessive, isn't he?
Aww, SD Trunks and Big nasty! How cute!
Trunks isn't all that big on sharing, heh.
Dammit Trunks, what did I tell you about checking out other swords?!
I still don't get the thing about Trunks' jacket being so short.
''I wonder if this is sharp...''
Oh god, my imagination's running away with me with this pic!!
Another pose for the camera, although he seems more reluctant this time.
''So, you want a piece of my Big Nasty?''
Oooh, threesome!!
''Just take the god damn picture, Mother!!''
Uh oh, Trunks and Big Nasty are planning something...
I don't like the art on this one, either.
Is it just me, or is Trunks actually stroking the hilt with one finger? o.O
Lol, Trunks really likes that pose.
Big Nasty is angry.
Want to donate to the Nasty Gallery? E-mail me your Nasty picture and maybe it'll get posted!!