Perhaps before I begin to go in depth with this, I should explain myself. Very well. I shall now, for a brief moment, take you behind the Nasty.
It all started one day in the spring of 2001, when I was a junior in high school. My good friend Monica (a.k.a. Moeca) and I shared a science class, but rarely saw each other outside of school. Well, one day we decided that god dammit we were gonna hang out for a while! So, that day after school she came over to my house. I was sending an e-mail to Meri of the ToT when she arrived. She asked who I was mailing, and when I mentioned the Temple O' Trunks, Moeca screamed "TRUNKS!!!" at the top of her lungs and promptly fell backwards to the floor. I paused to stare at her for a few seconds, then finished sending my e-mail. After clicking "send", I offered Monica some Japanese candy, and as we both munched on it, an odd silence hung in the air. Suddenly, I was hit with a brilliant idea.
"Wanna watch American Pie?"
So we go upstairs and watch American Pie. It was an interesting experience, if I remember correctly; I think Monica had never seen it before. So, we watch the movie, and we're left in a very perverted and completely retarded mood. Sadly, the movie ends, and I push stop and rewind. However, when I pushed stop, the TV just happened to be on Cartoon Network. Furthermore, Dragon Ball Z just happened to be on. Furtherfurthermore, Trunks just happened to be onscreen. Furtherfurtherfurthermore, Trunks just happened to be Moeca's favorite character. So, I push stop, and Trunks is onscreen. Monica literally flies off of my bed and glomps the TV, screaming his name. I tried not to laugh too loudly.
Then she suddenly comes up with a brilliant idea of her own: "Let's go look at all the Trunks pictures on your computer!!" I was slightly surprised, but still good for the idea. So, we go back downstairs and get on my computer, and I bring up my Trunks archive for her to root around in. Monica goes insane clicking from one pic to the next and raving about how hot Trunks is, while I, meanwhile, am sitting on the floor beside her watching past her shoulder and laughing at her comments.
Eventually, it happened: Moeca got to this picture, and hovered on it for longer than usual. After a few moments of silence, she quietly declared, "...I dub thee... Big Nasty!!" I was completely floored with laughter, I could barely even breathe. The conversation quickly escalated to a sexual degree, and the two of us just about died laughing. Suddenly it all made sense! No wonder Trunks was the only DBZ character to turn out so clearly attractive but not have a girlfriend! He was completely infatuated with his sword! Yes, his sword; the aptly named "Big Nasty".
Now that you know the story behind the story, let's get down to business: proof. Yes, there is proof! This may have all started from a hyperactive rant, but there is evidence to support the Big Nasty theory. What kind of evidence? Well, photographic evidence of course! Geez, what else did you expect? This website is almost nothing but pictures. Anyways, though, let's take this one step at a time.
First step is, of course, falling in love. This is a picture of when Trunks' and Big Nasty's love for one another was first realized. Aww, look how happy Trunks is!! What a loving embrace!! Clearly they were meant for each other. Just look at all those tears of joy!!
As with any relationship, the couple will bicker from time to time. Here we see the aftermath of a fight between Trunks and Big Nasty. They don't seem to be speaking to each other right now, but you can sense that they're both sorry for hurting each other. Eventually they'll kiss and make up, and it'll probably look a lot like the previous picture.
A rather famous image, yet most people don't realize its significance. This is a rather important picture because it shows Trunks and Big Nasty during foreplay. Yes, I actually said it: FOREPLAY. Shit, what else would you have the nerve to say is going on in this picture?! It ain't the two of them in a battle, I can say that much.
Alright, if this isn't oral sex, I don't know what is. Ask your parents if you need help with this one, because I'm not even going to bother.
And, at last, the love making process begins. Or would begin, if Trunks could figure out how to do it. I don't blame him, either; fucking a sword isn't exactly something they teach you in sex ed. Oh well, if all else fails he can go back to deepthroating.
Sadly, we come to the day when Trunks thought that Big Nasty was dead. Poor Trunks, he was so crushed! He brought flowers to the grave every day and cried himself to sleep every night, until finally someone told him that inanimate objects can't die. Overjoyed, Trunks quickly went back to the grave and retrieved his sword. But! The point is that Trunks loved his sword enough to go through all of that when he thought it was dead.
Well folks, there's your proof! Obviously Trunks and Big Nasty are deeply involved in a serious relationship. If you're still not convinced... Fuck you! This website's for fun, just go with the flow! To the rest of you, I'm glad that I was able to spread some knowledge. That's all I've got for now! Have a Nasty day!!